What is Chinese Medicine?
What is Chinese Medicine?
Chinese Medicine is a system in which the entire body is treated, not just the symptoms. The goal is to obtain balance between the body's two forces, yin & yang, there by achieving and maintaining good health. The medicine has been practiced for over 3000 years and is used extensively throughout the world. Symptoms of illness, the senses, pulse & tongue are used diagnostically. There are many modalities which are included in the art of Chinese medicine: herbal medicine, cupping,nutrition, heat therapy, and acupuncture.
What is Acupuncture?
How does Acupuncture Work?
How does Acupuncture Work?
The procedure of acupuncture is rooted neuro-science. The needles are inserted into specific points that have a high value of nerve innervation. When treating musculo-skeletal pain, we are sending a signal to the brain to tell that muscle to relax, or to restore tone to that muscle. In cases when there are tendon or ligament problems, the same principals may be applied. In regards to Sprains or Strains, the needle also stimulates an immune response which stimulates and increases the bodies ability to restore and repair the damaged tissue. When treating internal medical issues like digestive ailments, respiratory illnesses, reproductive imbalances or allergies, we apply principals of Oriental medicine to determine which organs need balancing. There are specific points on the body that have very specific actions to facilitate this process.
How do I prepare for treatment?
"Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest joy! " -Laozi